Monday, August 1, 2011

Lost sheep

  We are all sinners and have fallen short. God loves sinners immensely, so if you feel insignificant and far beyond God's reach, it is a false feeling, only fueled by the evil one. Jesus speaks to us in mostly parables, but the messages He delivers  are very clear. If the feeling of being lost and non findable runs through your thoughts, I have great news for you. You can be found and all of Heaven will rejoice. Here is how: If a shepherd with a 100 sheep loses 1, he will leave the 99 and scour the countryside looking for his lost sheep and when he finds it, there will be rejoicing and complete happiness, maybe even a celebration. This is the parable Jesus gives in Luke 15: 3-7. He is referring to lost individuals who have no direction of where they might be the safest. The safest place a human can possibly be is under God's wing! Jesus is looking for that lost sheep and so am I! Place all your trust in Jesus and he will caress your soul and undoubtedly reassure you that you are worthy of his love, the mercy Jesus gives us is larger than life itself, He has great hope in finding you and so do I.
  Jesus offers peace, love, and hope regardless of how lost you feel inside yourself or in the world.  Be prepared to be picked up shaken off and placed in his heart. There is plenty of room! His concern is not where you have been, but where you want to be.
  Heavenly father, from the depths of my heart I pray for those who are in deep need of your direction, may you lead them to safety in your most Sacred Heart. Protect all men and women from the harm of the evil one and show your mercy upon the people in this world, in your precious name I pray. Amen.


  1. Randy,
    I love the hopefulness of this post and I will certainly join you in your prayer.

  2. Thanks Karinann, many souls are in deep need of an "overhaul" and I do pray they find it in the Lord.
