In this day and age it seems as if everything is in an uproar, minimal jobs, minimal pay, stocks up and down with no stability, crime through the roof, suicides, homicides, abortion, debt, war and this list only scratches the surface. People are scurrying about spinning their wheels trying to gain control of everything or ANYTHING. My personal experience with "control" happens to be this: "the more I try to gain control of something, the less headway I make." I FINALLY figured out that there is only ONE in complete control of the universe, and is not manipulated by ANYTHING. I honestly believe that we, here on earth, live on the "testing" ground and the path we follow now is the road to our eternal resting place. Jesus said "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and decay destroy, and thieves break in and steal. But store up treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor decay destroys, nor thieves break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there also your heart will be." Matt 6: 29-21
Giving up control is scary--but not quite so scary when you realize you never had it to begin with.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to St. Blogs. I'd like to invite you to join other Catholic bloggers for a weekly feature, Sunday Snippets--A Catholic Carnival in which we share our best posts with each other. This week's host ost is at
Thank you for the invitation RAnn, I also appreciate the welcome note :)